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The real impact of the project!

This climate project helps reduce, avoid or eliminate greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.


This objective is achieved through the protection of existing cashew trees, the reforestation of trees, the safeguarding of bees and the social impact of the project which improves the lives of thousands of women and children.


The effect is verifiable and is calculated in tonnes of CO2.


Therefore, by supporting climate projects, you are helping to finance global climate action.

Trees that offset our carbon footprint

Each of us has a carbon footprint of approximately ONE ton of e-CO2 per month, each of our daily actions has an impact on the climate. A cashew tree from Mali sequesters 200 kg of carbon. By sponsoring 5 trees, ONE ton of e-CO2 is absorbed. With the FundTerra project you can then offset your impact. Plant the future with this exceptional initiative.

Women in Mali: Building
with them and for them

This agroforestry project sequesters carbon but does much more. It also nourishes the hope of thousands of Malians. In 2023, our actions have helped improve the living conditions of 40,000 women who are responsible for collecting and marketing the cashew nuts that come from these trees. FundTerra is also engaged in social dynamics. Together, let's cultivate a sustainable and united future!

Thousands of bees saved and protected by Malian beekeepers

The planting of cashew trees necessary for the cultivation of cashew nuts, a vital resource for Malians, creates an environment conducive to the development of bees. In Mali, this symbiosis between the production of cashew nuts and that of honey is of particular importance. Not only does it improve the lives of local populations, but it also contributes to the preservation of the ecosystem by supporting biodiversity.


For more information contact us !

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